Sunday, November 11, 2007

#23 Is this really ther end? Or just the beginning...

Although very time consuming, this has been a really enlightening and enjoyable program to participate in.
I discovered many things I knew absolutely nothing about. Also managed to do a few technological things I would never have thought I could do. Possibilities have certainly opened up. I know our library service has used this program as an impetus for improving our service to the wider community.
I particularly enjoyed playing with image generators
LibraryThing was also fun. Everyone in the world seems to be into YouTube.
But perhaps the thing I most enjoyed was being able to manipulate my blog to add in website links and images.
I hear there are more of these Learning programs people can do - Learning 2.1, 3.0, etc. Certainly participation and experimenting are the best ways to learn these new technologies.
Yeah! Finished. Now it is time to undermine my dogsister.

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Congratulations on completing the program. I'm glad you have enjoyed the exploration and discovery.
